Let Me Introduce Yourself to your confidence

You are here because You’ve lost your spunk. You can’t seem to get out for the funk you are in and you are looking to increase your confidence, start loving yourself and learn how to do whatever you want without worrying about what society will think about you.

I see you, I was you (Still am sometimes) and now I am here to help you. I am here to help you SHOW UP FOR YOURSELF, CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION and love your life. Are you ready to trust me?

Let’s Start Now

Join me in your Free five minutes of wellness check in.

The Let Me Introduce Yourself 21-day workbook was created to help you design your daily practices and mindset tools to increase your self-love and show up authentically. With Journal prompts, daily tasks and additional resource suggestions, this workbook will provide a unique journey to finding your self-love.

Through this workbook, I hope you notice not just the energy shift within yourself but the energy in the world around you. Your families, your relationships, your work, your friends and the strangers that are inspired by your self-love.

Course Objectives

  • Increase your self-love

    Through this course I will provide you with actionable ways to increase your self-love

  • Stop believing the bullshit

    Through this course I will provide actionable ways to de-condition the belief system that has prevented you from loving yourself

  • Create daily self-love practices

    Through this course I will provide my daily practices to use to love yourself unconditionally

“Confidence is inherent in every one of us, and Alyssa is here to tell you that the only thing holding you back, is you. Alyssa shows us how to tap into our own natural confidence and to look at it as a skill that can be refined and mastered with a little bit of practice.”

Sky H

Let’s Get Started!

Choose the option below that works best for you!

Digital Workbook

Digital Workbook

Along with the digital workbook, you will receive:

  • Videos with further information on each section to help you get excited for the topics ahead

  • Additional resources such as podcasts, articles and videos for each day to dive deeper into the topic

  • Access to the private Facebook group full of women on their self-love journey

  • First priority access to my one-on-one mentor program

The Workbook

The Workbook

Along with the hard copy workbook, you will receive:

  • Videos with further information on each section to help you get excited for the topics ahead

  • Additional resources such as podcasts, articles and videos for each day to dive deeper into the topic

  • Access to the private Facebook group full of women on their self-love journey

  • First priority access to my one-on-one mentor program

  • A rose quartz crystal to radiate all the self-love vibes over your journey

  • A self-love tote bag from Pearl & Dot to remind yourself every day how amazing you are!

One on One Coaching

One on One Coaching

With the bundle package you will receive the workbook and goodies along with five one hour sessions with me to dive deeper into your confidence journey and develop a long term personalized strategy.

Typically we have sessions once a week where we work through the findings of the workbook to determine which areas need the most support while acknowledging everyday examples of how confidence can play a more prolific role in your life.

Each situation is different and each session is curated to your personal needs.

One on One Coaching

One on One Coaching

With the bundle package you will receive the workbook and goodies along with a one hour sessions with me to dive deeper into your confidence journey and develop a long term personalized strategy.

Typically we meet at the end of your workbook journey to determine which areas need the most support while acknowledging everyday examples of how confidence can play a more prolific role in your life.

Each situation is different and each session is curated to your personal needs.