4 tips to help you start accepting compliments (Examples Included)
Confidence is an important quality that can have a significant impact on our lives. It can influence how we present ourselves to others, how we approach new challenges and opportunities, and how we navigate difficult situations. When we are confident, we are more likely to feel positive about ourselves and our abilities, and this can translate into success and happiness.
But sometimes, it can be difficult to accept compliments and praise, especially if we struggle with self-doubt or low self-esteem. It's natural to feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable when someone compliments us, but it's important to remember that receiving a compliment is not the same thing as boasting or being arrogant. In fact, being able to accept compliments graciously is a sign of confidence and self-assurance. I know our society has tried to make you feel like accepting a compliment makes you look egotistical, but I am here to tell you that an ego isn’t always a bad thing. You have permission to love yourself.
So, how can we become more confident and better able to accept compliments? Here are a few tips:
Practice gratitude.
When someone gives us a compliment, it's an opportunity to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and to be thankful for the good things that we have. Taking a moment to appreciate and be grateful for the compliment can help us feel more confident and positive.
Count to three before you respond.
If you have a habit of swatting away compliments or negating them with self-deprecating talk, count to three mentally after you receive one. Let there be a short silence before you decide to resond in a positive way.
Get Comfortable with the feeling of success.
The next time you finish a task or a goal, sit with the feeling. Feel proud of yourself. Feel relieved it’s over. Really, really feel the feeling. Then, when someone compliments you, go back to this feeling. When we can get comfortable with the feeling of success, we can go back to that feeling whenever we want!
Understand other people have different perspectives of you
When someone offers you a compliment, they are giving you their own perspective. Sometimes when we don’t have the same perspective, we think they are making it up. Rather than disregarding their perspective, say thank you even if you don’t agree, and be excited that another person sees the beauty in you that you may not yet see in yourself!
If you are struggling with accepting compliments, try out these unique ways to respond:
Accept a compliment and explain why it means something to you. For example, if someone praises your presentation at work, you could say, “Thank you! I just finished an awesome public speaking course, I am excited to use my skills.”
You can share the credit without downplaying your efforts. If someone compliments you, say thank you and then mention who helped you. If someone says, “wow, you are so strong” respond with “thank you, I have been working really hard with the help of my fitness studio”
Like everything confidence, accepting compliments is about progress not perfection. Allow yourself the space to start accepting compliments from other people, so you can start accepting them from yourself.